Demystifying the Patent Process
Event Details
Date: 30 August 2023
Location: Martin Luther King Jr. Library, 3rd Floor (SJPL Works)
Time: 10 AM – Noon
Join the San José State Silicon Valley SBDC workshop in collaboration with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to learn about the different types of patents, including utility, design, and plant. In this session, USPTO experts will discuss the difference between provisional patent applications and non-provisional patent applications and their use. Get connected to pro bono services for your intellectual property. Attendees will learn about software-assisted patent filing and cost saving strategies from Patent Attorney, Bao Tran.
Attendees will also learn about:
- The process of patent prosecution
- The role of patent examiners at the USPTO
- What to expect when working with the USPTO
- Resources available through USPTO to protect your IP
* Free parking with validation is available at 4th Street Garage